Ancient Messene / Stadium and Gymnasium:

The Stadium and the Gymnasium form together one architectural unit, which is pretty rare in the graeco-roman world. The Gymnasium, a Π-shaped gallery encloses the horseshoe of the stadium. The hill slopes within which the stadium projects could also be used for sitting, while the stone seats were mostly reserved for the Messenian aristocracy. On some of the seats inscriptions with these names as a form of “reservation” have been discovered, while the benches and the throne with the lion feet were reserved for city officials and the priest of the Zeus of Ithomi. Just the stone part of the horseshoe has a capacity of 8000 to 10000 spectators.
The Gymnasium and the Stadium were decorated with statues mostly the work of Egyptian (Alexandrian) artists. The stadium was used from the 3rd century B.C up until to the 4th century A.D, when it was mostly being dismantled for building materials. During the Roman period the stadium was used as an arena hosting matches between gladiators, and wild animals. Due to that a protective wall was erected seperating the stadium in the middle. 

The building at the end of the stadium is the mausoleum of the Saithidae family, testament to the fact that the initial  games were held in honour of a deceased hero.
